Monday, August 4, 2014

Old photos! :)

Hannah has hardly any baby pictures due to Mom being so busy with our two older brothers, but this is one of the maybe five baby pictures she has! :)

L to R
Joel, Hannah, Ruth, Joshua. 
(The boy's hair!! :) )

L to R
Ruth, Joshua, Jeremy, Sarah, Joel, and Hannah


Hannah and Ruth. 

Hannah and Ruth

Joel, Joshua, and Pretty Paws.

Ruth, Sarah, and Hannah, lol don't know what was going on with those faces..?


Our first fish! 
We worked so hard for him. lol
Hannah, Joel, Ruth, Jeremy, Joshua, and Sarah

Back row Joshua, Joel, Hannah (holding Abigail), and Ruth
Front: Jeremy, Sarah, and Jonathan,

Hannah and Joel.
hee hee

Joel (with Jonathan on his shoulder), Jeremy, Aunt Caroline (holding Abigail), Hannah, Sarah, and Ruth.

The four oldest. <3
Hannah, Ruth, Joshua, and Joel. :)

hee hee :)

~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~


  1. Aww.. lovely photos, girls!!! So many precious memories :)

  2. Oh my goodness, these photos are gold! XD these picture have definitely made my day! :)

    1. Well at least we aren't embarrassed to show baby pictures, Sean-Paul....... *cough cough* ;)
