Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Puppies!

Here are the puppies as promised!

                                                                 Rollie and Captain

                                                                   We are sleeping.

Emilie and her puppies:     

What? I can't help having puppies!

Dixie: (we also kept her)

Wow! You are awful close!

Nutmeg and Blizzard:

And then.......

Nutmeg: (we kept her)
What? I am just irrastable


Nobody liked me!


It won't stop itching!!

Should I take a run for it??


This is my all day face.

God Bless!
~The Keller Girls~

Versatile blogger award!

This computer can't do the "Versatile blogger award" at all! It is so weird! It won't even let us type it! Here are some things about us though!
Thank you for picking us
Leah Nicolette at  The Sweetest Charm

1.) I hate bananas!
2.) I work with cows and love them!
3.) I have four scars.
4.) I am a knitter.
5.) I have braces for another nine months.
6.) I always go barefooted when I can. ( If not, sandals are the next best thing)
7.) Dogs mean the world to me!

1.) I am a type 1 diabetic.
2.) I have never worn pants in my entire life.
3.) I play piano by ear.
4.) I have always wanted long hair.
5.) Cats are my life.
6.) Politics is my thing!
7.) I have THE BEST Daddy in the whole world! (And none of you have a better one! ;) Lol

1.) I LOVE mint chocolate ice-cream!
2.) My favorite color is PURPLE!
3.) My favorite sport is baseball!
4.) Horses is my FAVORITE animal.
5.) Pineapple is my favorite fruit!
6.) My favorite dine-in restaurant is Golden Corral
7.) I want to be a stay at home Mom and farmer when I grow up.

Thank you Leah!

~The Keller Girls~
Hannah Ruth
Ruth Anne
Sarah Christiana

Goodbye Cream ;(

Cream, a cat we have had for over eight years, was hit by a car this afternoon! :( We will miss you Cream!

(On left)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

William Peter

Hey y'all!

Our baby cousin was born today at about 8:00 am!! Congrats Aunt Emilie and Uncle Seth!

William Peter:

God Bless!

The Keller Girls

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello all!
 This is what I (Ruth) crochet for my cousin that is due at the end of the month! Praise the Lord!

Crochet Baby Booties:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


(We thought we had posted this!) (Written May 5th)

 Hello! We are terrible bloggers! :/ Life has been so busy! Well, Emilie (our dog) has had another litter of puppies on March 23! She had six puppies, two girls and four boys! I will try to post pictures a little later! Well, Wednesday, I (Ruth) went to take Emilie for our normal walk to the Post Office and she was lying by the woodpile and she couldn't move and she was panting, and drooling! I went inside to get Sarah and Hannah,. Hannah picked Emilie up and hosed her down (thinking maybe she was too hot) we brought her inside and her legs were as straight and tight as bowstrings! We called our uncle (who is a Vet) and he said maybe it was a snake bite, but we didn't see any marks. Mom called the boys (our older brothers) and Dad. The boys came home to look at Emilie and Joel (He LOVES dogs!) looked over her and found fang marks on her legs! It was either a rattlesnake or a copperhead. We thought Emilie would die! After dinner Emilie started to look better and her legs relaxed. Thursday Emilie seemed fine! Emilie will probably always limp now. Thursday (May 3rd) was Jeremy's twelfth birthday! Joshua and Hannah had Orthodontics appointments Thursday, so everyone went out to town, we got out at the Wal-mart and gave away the four boy puppies! We kept the girls Dixie, and Nutmeg (or Meg for short)! On Sunday our youngest brother Jonathan is getting baptized!!! Our Nana is here from Virginia for the baptism! We will be moving again for Dad's job this time to North Carolina! Well, I think we are up to date, and Lord willing we will post more frequently!

God Bless!
~Hannah, Ruth and Sarah~

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God IS love"