Monday, October 21, 2013 pictures! (Old forgotten post....)

We were just going through our drafts and realized that this never posted.
(October post)
Life has been busy (what else is new?). =D
Here is a few pictures to sum it all up.
WARNING: Picture overload. =D
This picture doesn't begin to describe the sunset that night!
Neither does this one!

Yes, more kittens!
Mom went for a walk a few week ago, and found these five little kittens abandoned on our street.
They were COVERED in flea eggs and flea poop.
The one that you can barely see in the corner died just after we brought her home. :(
We named them: Girls: Mary, Laura, and Carrie. Guys: Fili and Kili
Left to Right:
Carrie, Fili, Laura, Mary, and Kili
We decided to keep one of them, and give three away, but the only one people wanted was Kili, so we ended up keeping Fili, Mary and Carrie.

Here is the "family" picture! =D Since we have a small farm most of the cats are outside, but we brought them in for a picture! =D
Left to Right:
Abigail; then all the cats: Windy, Nebula, Thomas, Mary, Fili, Oreo, Carrie, Misty, and Honey.
(Kitty is next to Abigail, but just out of the picture)

Here they all are again, but Kitty is in her too. =D 
Here are the "partners in crime" Carrie and Mary. We had to put a collar around Carrie, so we could tell them apart. They are identical!!
They are almost inseparable too!

Carrie and Mary.

Then we did a mini photo shoot of Hannah and Ruth


Hannah and Mia

Love this little booger!!! Abigail! <3


Hannah just got a job!! (Yay!) Hannah's work uniform!


Oreo watching Sarah play piano. =D

You gotta love farm fresh eggs! ;) Double yolk!

The kitten sisters! Windy in the box and Nebula on the puzzle pieces.

Then they shared the box!



Fili and Kili

Mary, Laura, and Carrie

Mary and Kili.

Fili, Laura, Mary, Carrie, and Kili.

Laura, Mary, and Kili

Windy and Thomas. They're so cute! =D

Windy curled up by Daddy!

Our brother Joel told us about this AWESOME music site!
All you have to do is put your name and e-mail, and it is totally free!
You can look up almost any music! It is so much fun!
It is called Spotify.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, (!!!!!) Celtic Violin.

Here are the partners in crime!
Carrie and Mary!
(No, the chair is not on top of her, she is just fluffy! :) )
There have been a few competitive games of Skip-bo in our house ;)



At our house we kids earn our Christmas money by picking up walnuts!
It is super fun, and the younger kids get an experience working for money.
This is our first load of 1300+ pounds.

Walnuts on the ground!

LOVE the smell of walnuts!!

More walnuts!

and more!

Abigail the "waitress"

Our Nana is visiting for the week, so we went out with her and our great-aunt and uncle for the day!
Sarah, Abigail, and Jonathan.




The three of us: Sarah, Hannah, Ruth.

 Sarah by the fountain.

Hannah by the fountain.

Pretty Nana by the fountain.

Sarah and Nana

Sarah, Nana, and Abigail. <3


Very neat rocks!


Ivy and rocks!


Ruth's purchase: Her birthstone, December. (sorry that it wasn't focusing!)


Neat stairs going up the side of a building.

SO cool!

Have a great week!
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why do you only use the KJV translation of the Bible?

Hello Followers!!

Why do you only use the KJV translation? This has been asked a-lot on our blog, so we thought we would share our point about it.

Here is an article that matches our stand. It is very short and easy to understand.

Comment below if you have more questions!
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Friday, October 18, 2013

Movie Quote Contest number one!!! (Thanks to Jaime!)

Jaime over at Diligently Waiting is doing a series of movie quote contest, and they are REALLY fun!!! We thought that it would be awesome if we did a contest!!

Jaime is having a contest right now, so pop over and check it out!!!!! =D

1. Don't look any of the quotes up on the internet, or any other looking-up device.
2. Submit your answers in the comment section of this post. You may post as many comments as you need to, depending on when you remember the different quotes.
3. You score one point for every correct answer you submit (that's telling me what movie the quote is from) and you can also earn an extra point by telling me who said the quote!
4. You MAY ask immediate family members (parents, siblings, pets, etc.) for help and you MAY watch a movie again to see if one of the quotes is in it (it's a good excuse to rewatch a movie ;)

Here are a few VERY easy quotes:

1.) "Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can I go home now?"

2.) "Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand."

 3.) "What happened? Did you get scared when the deer growled?"

4.) Look, you're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying. Say the first thing again.

5.) You know that feeling you get when you're standing in a high place... sudden urge to jump?... I don't have it.

6.) "And also, I did purchase a Spanish dictionary.  I didn't like what you said."

7.) "That's a lot of heel for a guy, don't you think?"

Comment below with your guesses! Contest ends October 25th.

~The Keller Girls~