Talking to a teenager about magic in movies and how you love the Lord of The Rings, and him answering "I've never watched The Lord of the Rings", as you stare at him in horror....
Driving the car to meet someone, getting out of the car and the guy (dead serious) asks you, "are you old enough to drive?" :/
Having someone tell you that you have huge biceps and you are like thhhaannnkkssss! (that is exactly what every teenage girl wants to hear. :p
When someone thinks your sister is older then you. (She is 3 years younger). :o
Driving for 4+ hours a day.....4 days in a row! Score!
So many people entering our giveaway! :)
So many people entering our giveaway! :)
Fishing for the first time this year!!
This sister picture. :)
(we were stopped :) )
Okay, that's enough awkward and awesome for today!
Hope y'all have a great day! :)