Thursday, September 18, 2014

Awkward and Awesome with H, R, and S.

Hannah's Awkwards:

1.) Ruth, Abigail, and I ran out to Walmart to get a *few* things (which in a big family means at least one cart full..). When we got to the cash register the guy at cash looks at us for a moment and says:
Him: "One of you wouldn't happen to be the mom." (seeing all the groceries he guessed that we couldn't just have a shopping list from our mom)
 (Hannah and I look at each other for a moment and a secret look passes between us "do we look that old!?")

Us: "No, we are sisters".
Him "Okay, I was going to say y'all looked awful young".
(And then he precedes to ask how many siblings do you have, are you Amish (seeing our skirts), are your parents going to have more kids....etc.)

2.) Driving down the road and you, your sister, and your brother start purposely singing off key and then two other sibling join in, and your Mom starts laughing because we sound SO bad, and then our Dad joins in which makes Mom laugh so hard she starts to cry.


This handsome man!!! :) 

The Prairie Dance in under 3 weeks!!!! :)

Ruth's Awkward:

We girls went shopping and stopped to get gas. I jumped out of the van to pay and pump the gas and when I got back in Hannah and Sarah were staring at me.
Me; Whhaatt...?
Them: Did you see those boys in that fancy truck?
Me: What boys?
Them: There were a gang of boys in a truck and as they passed in front of us one of them was staring and glancing at us and laughing, and then ALL of them were staring, glancing, and laughing!
Me: :O

I was telling Joshua about babysitting and the two year old I babysit having diarrhea all over the floor...... and himself....... and everything he touched and then telling me how he needs to go wash his hands (which just smears it more). AND Joshua starts laughing! I was like why is that so funny? Joshua: "It's not, but it is just hilarious how he says 'I need to wash my hands' like that was going to fix it all!"
Me: .......
(kids are worth the mess though. :) )


Babysitting this guy!! (Is it possible to die from cuteness??)

When you accidentally stay up until 2 am talking with your sisters. Just because.

The BEAUTIFUL fall weather we are having here!!! :)

Sarah's awkwards:

Riding in a car with your sisters and listening to music. At the most epic part of the song slamming your fist down on the dashboard and (our van has a perfect CD player!) the music stops! So after some very confused glances and bursts of giggles I slammed my fist and the music started again. Awkward...

When you are helping your sister with taking pictures. The photographer (AKA sister) was trying to get a picture of a silhouette of a girl with her hair flowing behind her, but there was no wind that day.......So I became the wind.... You may now picture me outside with an extension cord, a box fan, and a blow dryer.....


When someone says: "You are 14 right, Sarah? Me: No, I am 12. Someone: REALLY?? You act so mature like you are 16 or something. Me: :D

Watching THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA for the first time!!!! :) :) :) :)

What has been awkward and awesome with you?

Have a great day! 

~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Clare is having a giveaway!!

Our friend Clare over at Clare's Spot is having a giveaway!!! 

You have a chance to win one of three books! 

(This is one)

Go check it out! :)

~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Monday, September 8, 2014

A post in which we take a sister photo shoot.....

So today we girls decided to take some photos.. (who needs a reason.)

Ruth and Hannah.


The three of us. <3




And the bloopers. ;P

A photo bomber getting photo bombed!! :)
Photo bomb. ;p

Can anyone tell we are sisters? Have to fix our hair at the same time. ;)

Hee hee. (That is a brush not a dagger btw. :)

And......... Here are our outfits for the upcoming Prairie Dance!!! (A *little* excited about it!!)
Abigail, Hannah, Joel, and Ruth. 
(Sarah, Jeremy, Josh, and Jonathan are still working on getting their costumes.)

Have a great day y'all! :)

~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Making homemade pizza.

On Thursday, Dad and Mom decided to go out to dinner to celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary! 
Josh, Joel, and Hannah were all working late last night, so when Ruth got off work, Mom and Dad headed out leaving Ruth and the four youngest at home.
Ruth and Jonathan suggested making some homemade pizza for dinner, which was unanimously accepted! :)

So we started! 

Abigail with the flour.

Adding the oil.

Stirring. Isn't she adorable? :)

Sarah kneading the dough.




They were so proud of their little pizza. :)

Spreading sauce.

Sauce, seasoning, and ham.....

and olives.

Then the cheese.
Sarah, Jonathan, and Abigail.

It is finished!
Cutting it.

And finally eating it!



Then Sarah and Ruth made some home fries.

Cutting up the "taters". ;)

We had so much fun! :)

~The Keller Girls~

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sisters, school, family, and cats....

Our family singing together at church. :)

Our baby. :)

Still doing lots of school. 

Baby rabbits!! 

Ruth was outside reading her Bible and as soon as she had finished Reggie (our lil goober) decided to make himself at home. :)

Big brother, Joel, took the three youngest siblings out for some root beer.
So of course a selfie was in order. :)

Abigail and Sarah just love Hannah and her work uniform so of course they needed to dress up like Hannah in her work uniform. :) 

Sisters! <3

Joel fell asleep after a hard day of work and our cuddle bug, Reggie, cuddled right in. :)

Abigail and Ruth.


Joel with Reggie in his baseball glove. ;p

God bless! 
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~