Monday, January 7, 2013

Answered Prayer!

Our friend's grandpa is out of surgery and is doing fine!!
The surgery went well and they can hear blood flowing back through his leg!! The doctors will still probably have to take some of his toes that have already died, but at least it isn't his whole leg!
Praise the Lord!!

Thank you for praying!
~The Keller Girls~

Quick Prayer request!

Hello Followers!

We just got a call from a very good friend. Her grandpa was put in the hospital last week with no blood circulating through one of his legs. They just found out that he has a clogged arterie behind his knee. The doctors are doing surgery on his leg right now and if they can't unclog his arterie they will have to amputate his leg/part of his leg. If y'all would just pray that the Lord will have his hand over this and will guide the doctors.
Thank you!

~The Keller Girls~

Friday, December 28, 2012



REMINDER: Don't forget there is a Giveaway over at Lianne Taimenlore for Jessica Greyson's book: Annabeth's War!!
The giveaway ends at midnight! Go enter!

~The Keller Girls~

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mirthful Monday!




Enjoy a laugh!
~The Keller Girls~