Monday, December 31, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012



REMINDER: Don't forget there is a Giveaway over at Lianne Taimenlore for Jessica Greyson's book: Annabeth's War!!
The giveaway ends at midnight! Go enter!

~The Keller Girls~

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry CHRISTmas!

Hope y'all have a great Christmas!

~The Keller Girls~

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mirthful Monday!




Enjoy a laugh!
~The Keller Girls~

Saturday, December 22, 2012



There is a Giveaway over at Lianne Taimenlore for Jessica Greyson's book: Annabeth's War!!
Why are you still here? Go check it out!!!  =D

God Bless!
~The Keller Girls~

The Second Amendment

Guns are NOT the problem!! When will people see that?
Criminals will ALWAYS be able to get guns illegally.
The good people need to be able to defend themselves and their families.
Oh, we can tell Mr. President. >:(

Oh yeah! Umm... please enlighten us.

That one person saved so many lives. We don't need gun control!
Sorry to rant. =D
You can probably guess we feel strongly about the Second Amendment! =D
God Bless!
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Victims.

These are the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting:
Such beautiful kids.
Our country needs the Lord.

Lord Jesus please comfort their families. Amen.