Thursday, September 12, 2013

Calling on all photographers....

We were thinking about entering some of these photos in a local contest, and we were wondering if y'all could give us some advice.
Should we enter with one of these photos?
Could you give us some criticism?
 Should we edit these (if so, where?)
Do you think these photos could win?
These pictures were all taken by Hannah, Ruth, or Sarah Keller.


Thanks y'all!
Have a great night!
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Never forget!

May God have mercy on our fallen country!

What a terrible day! :(
~The Keller Girls~

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Elegant Blogger Award!

We got awarded twice!
Thank you Marissa and Kiri Liz! Y'all are so sweet! =D

  • When you receive the award, link back to and the blog that nominated you ( ) (
  • Display the award button in the post
  • Answer all of the 12 questions given in this post (Do not make your own questions)
  • Nominate 8 bloggers
  • Notify them that they have been awarded


1. What made you decide to start blogging?

We had a friend who started, and she got us hooked! ;)

2. What is your fashion style?
A modest t-shirt and a long skirt.
3. What is something none of your followers know about you?
Hmmm...... We live on two acres? We can't think of anything else really. =D
4. What are some of your blogging goals?
To post more often?
5. Where is your favorite place to shop?
6. What would your ideal amount of blog followers be?
Well, probably everyone wants 100, but we are happy with as many as we have! We know our followers better when there are just a few. =D

7. What are your talents? 
Hannah- Good with animals.
Ruth- I guess my  best talent is music--piano,  
Sarah- I guess I am good at organizing. (She is VERY good! ~Hannah and Ruth) =D

8. Are you a leader or a follower?
Hannah- Follower.
Ruth- Follower.
Sarah- Follower.

9. What is one of your favorite quotes?
"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her"
Author unknown
I have a *few* =D
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Ronald Reagan
“A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.”
Author: Andre Maurois
There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it. 
 ~Chinese Proverb


"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
~John Wooden

“You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person who you cannot live without.”
Author Unknown??
10. Do you have a favorite book or book series?
It changes all the time. ;)

11. Out of all the of the synonyms for elegant, which would you describe yourself with (smart - stylish - dressy - graceful - dainty - fine)?
 Hannah- Simple
Ruth-  Artistic
Sarah- Smart
Note: We choose from this list: Elegant list
12. What is your favorite flower?

Hannah- Black-eyed Susan
Ruth- Daffodil or red rose
Sarah- Daffodil!!

Now we nominate:


Have fun! =D

In Christ,
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Life in pictures.


Hello y'all! =D
We have been lacking on our posting.... =D
WARNING: Picture overload!!!!
Here are a *few* pictures from the past month.
Needless to say we love the goats!
Granny, Ruth, and Lady.



Ruth and Lady.


Stare contest between Windy and Lady.
(Lady won) =D




This is a stray tom that we ummm.... named......
Itchy (Don't ask)

Here is a stray that we took in.
Sarah and Thomas.
(He is SOOOO sweet!)
As soon as you leave the room he gets worried, and immediately tries to
find someone! The poor guy!

Sarah and Thomas. 



Ruth penned this for Sarah. Cute!



Two weeks ago, Ruth got a call from our brother, Joel.
This little sweetheart had gotten dropped off at a mall where Joel works.
Well, we couldn't just leave her there, right?
She has wormed her way into our hearts, and has clawed her way into our face. =D
She loves to play! =D
Meet Oreo.
She has THE BIGGEST eyes ever!
Hide and seek.

Scratch the nose!!!

Thinking her strategy!


Yes, surprisingly she does sleep!

She has gotten attached to Nebula!
(Windy can't stand her!)
The kitten chain.
R to L.
Small kitten (Thomas), Smaller kitten (Windy), and Smallest kitten (Oreo) =D
(The one picture with both Windy and Oreo asleep together!)
Yes, we do craft! This is what our blog is named after, right?
A quilt for our cousin due in January!!!!!!!!

Okay, y'all are probably wondering- "What in the world is THAT???"
This is goat cheese!!!
This is the first time we have ever made it.
It is pretty neat, but we need to work on the recipe a little!!

Oreo must have fallen asleep mid-leap!

Out here in this state we have scorpions!
(Yes, in Arkansas!)
Luckily for our Mom, they aren't very poisonous.
(Their sting feels like a bee sting)
Our brothers found this one when they were cleaning up some trash at our house.
It is actually a big one for us!

This is Miss T.V. cat. =D
The "person" on the screen kept moving, sooooo.......

 She started playing with it! =D
Did we mention she is adorable!

We have been watching the first season of I Love Lucy!
Unrealistic, but HILARIOUS!!
It gets kinda addicting! =D
Well, that has been our life lately!
Our two older brother, Joshua and Joel, head off to a Christian college in just four days!!
They are going to be gone forever it seems!
We are going to miss them! Please pray for them as they get settled in!
Hope y'all enjoyed the pictures!
Have a great Lord's Day!!
God Bless y'all!
~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~